Frequently Asked Questions


Why do I need a Health Coach?

Anyone who has ever set a goal related to health or lifestyle knows that achieving that goal is much easier said than done.  Changing behavior is not easy and people fail for various reasons.  A health coach helps you identify obstacles and solutions and keeps you accountable.  Research supports the efficacy of health coaching, with 60% of subjects achieving their goals and continuing to maintain their healthy behaviors a year later.

In other words, working with a health coach makes it much more likely that you’ll be successful in achieving your goals and maintaining that success.

What do you do? How does health coaching work?

The specifics are different for different people.  We are all different and need help in different areas.  Some people need more understanding of a disease process or healthy living in general. Most of us need to figure out how to actually make these changes in our everyday lives with the time and resources available to us.  Most people benefit from the accountability part of the process. And many people find that just having someone in their corner can increase their confidence in their ability to succeed.

My job is to guide, motivate, educate, and support you in setting realistic health-related goals.  I will also hold you accountable for taking the necessary steps and actions to achieve your goals.  Over a period of several weeks, we will work toward making positive lifestyle changes that are sustainable so you can stick with your plan.

We work from your agenda. You decide the direction we take and where you need the most support.

What do you mean by “we work from my agenda?” Aren’t you the expert?

It’s almost impossible to change everything at once, and there may be things you’re not ready, willing, or able to change right now.  

You know you best, and you’re far more likely to work toward goals that you’ve set for yourself versus being told what to do by someone who doesn’t understand your situation.  

For example, if weight loss is a priority to you right now, it makes no sense for me to bring up your smoking at every session if you’ve already stated that it is not a priority.  It’s great that you’ve decided to take steps toward a healthier weight! That’s what we’re going to focus on.

Besides, you might be motivated to set more goals after you’ve got a few wins under your belt. Success breeds success!

Why do you require a minimum time commitment?

Health coaching is a process because lifestyle change is a process. It takes time, effort, and a variety of strategies to find the ways that work for each of us. We start with baby steps and work through setbacks and obstacles along the way.  You will not achieve your goals overnight.  It takes time for new habits to replace old habits and become the new normal.  

It is my goal to help you be successful.  I want you to have every chance of improving your health and quality of life, both now and in your future.  Real change happens over time, and I ask you to truly commit to this process.

Are you going to prescribe me a diet or exercise program?

No, I do not prescribe anything.  I am not a doctor, dietitian, counselor, or physical therapist.  I can help you find ways of incorporating their recommendations into your life, or understanding the hows and whys of those recommendations, but I do not give medical advice.

We can explore a variety of health topics and techniques but ultimately you will choose what makes the most sense for you.

Am I going to have to take a million supplements or buy all sorts of weird food and equipment?

Again, I do not prescribe anything. I am a certified health coach, not one of those “coaches” trained by some company to sell their products.

Some supplements can be beneficial, others are a complete waste of time and money, and still others do not even contain the active ingredients they are selling. It is up to you to make your own informed decisions about what you put into your body.

You do not have to eat any “weird foods” or do things you find repulsive!  Haha!  Some weird foods are very good for your health however, so maybe you’d be open to trying some new things?

Learn more about coaching packages here.