Health and Wellness Coaching with MartieMalaker, CHC.jpg

Health and Wellness Coaching with Martie Malaker, CHC

Live Healthier, Live Happier!

Hello, and welcome to my website! I’m Martie, and I’m a Certified Health Coach through the National Society of Health Coaches. I’m also a Certified Nutrition Coach through Precision Nutrition. My mission is to help men and women make changes to their habits and behaviors to improve their health, wellness, and overall quality of life. I’m currently focused on coaching those over 35 - that age where we’re starting to feel the effects of our life habits and realizing it’s time to do something different. If you’re finding it difficult to make the lifestyle changes necessary to be your healthiest and happiest self, you’ve come to the right place!

Let me start by asking you a question…

How do you feel right now?

Where are you health-wise? How is that affecting your day-to-day life? Are you:

  • Struggling to get through the day? Exhausted, running on autopilot, and stressed to the max?

  • Sick and tired of sabotaging your own health, wellness, goals, and dreams but don’t know how to make changes you can stick with?

  • Suffering from chronic health issues and frustrated with trying to figure out how to make the lifestyle changes you know you have to make to manage these issues?

  • Worried that you’re getting a little older, and something might happen to you as a result of your health issues or unhealthy lifestyle, leaving your loved ones in an unfortunate situation?

The thought of getting older can be scary and all the must dos and should dos can be overwhelming. We owe it to ourselves and our loved ones to take control of our health and well-being sooner rather than later. It matters! Our health literally affects everything in our lives…and of course, our futures.

Let me ask you another question…

How would your life be different in one year if you started taking steps to get healthier today?

Take a moment to really picture this … You’re looking better, you’re feeling better, you have more energy, and you’re more confident in yourself and your ability to get things done. How would your life change? What would that mean for you?

Would it mean:

  • Improved ability to spend real quality time with your family and friends?

  • The ability to pursue interests and hobbies or start checking things off your bucket list?

  • Feeling empowered to take control of other areas of your life that are in need of attention?

  • Less stress and anxiety over those dreaded doctor’s appointments or how to manage or prevent chronic health conditions?

How do you think you’ll feel after you’ve achieved your goals and you’re finally doing those things you’ve dreamed about for so long??

Are these thoughts bringing a smile to your face? Are you starting to feel excited and hopeful?

These are not impossible dreams or unreachable goals! Getting healthier is both possible and realistic, and you are absolutely capable of doing it!

Even if you’ve tried and failed a million times before, I promise, all hope is not lost! IF you are ready to commit to your own self-care, and IF you are willing to take steps toward living a healthier lifestyle, YOU CAN BE SUCCESSFUL!

I have one last question…

What do you want to do??

It’s your life and the choice is yours.

Are you content to continue as you are now? If yes, that’s great! Keep on keeping on!

If you’re ready for change, and ready to start living that dream you envisioned earlier, then that’s where I come in! I can help you with that!

As your coach, I will help you cut through the noise and the overwhelm. You’ll learn how to make changes that work for you, without making you miserable. We’ll work through obstacles, and find the best ways for you to achieve the sustainable results you’re dreaming of. Transformation IS within your reach!

You’ve GOT THIS!!

The sooner you start moving toward a healthier lifestyle, the sooner you can start enjoying all of the amazing benefits that come along with it.

Are you ready??

Start Getting Healthier Today!


1:1 Coaching

A collaborative partnership where we work together to develop and implement a personalized health and wellness plan designed around your unique situation and goals.

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